Book Recommendation

The Last Book by Stephen Cline

A fun, imaginative book — if thinking is your idea of fun

Diane Aoki
4 min readAug 20, 2024


Apt Title

This simple title of Cline’s latest novel is ironically intriguing. The mind associates immediately to the very real possibility that there could be such a thing as “the last book.” We know that reading books — actual books, not ebooks, not digital books, not audio books — is not as pervasive as we want it to be. It’s a rarity. I was once at an outdoor table looking at my phone for directions and I heard an elderly man compliment a younger man for reading an actual book, saying how rare it was to see. I wanted to say, “Me too! I read books!” But no, there I was being phone-obsessed decadent.

Cautionary Tale

This novel plays with these ideas that are in the zeitgeist — the domination of the digital world, the technological age, contrasted to what is being lost — books, traditional instruments, human connection.

The main character, Charles Sutton, a book lover and professor, finds himself in possession of this mysterious book that magically (or enigmatically) changes its contents for the reader, so that a new story (along with its cover) is presented for the reader. Within this novel, there are stories that show up…



Diane Aoki

Playwright, essayist, teacher, artist, songwriter, poet. Creativity Activist.