On Being a Values Voter

The issues are complicated, but the values aren’t

Diane Aoki
4 min readAug 25, 2024
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

There was a snarky video on Instagram where a young woman asks what are your reasons for voting for Harris. I sometimes engage in comment conversations, even though you have to see past the snarkiness. You can see it in her face and tone of voice — “ you guys cannot really be serious.”

She looked to be a young person of child-bearing age. I hope she values autonomy over her body, even though in some states, that has been eroding. My comment to her was that I have many reasons, but at the top of the list is that she will fight for our rights to our own bodies. Maybe this was clickbait, but impulsively optimistic me wants to believe that even if she didn’t really want to know, our responses did sink in.

I don’t know if I will have the opportunity in real life to have a conversation with someone on the other side about why I am supporting Harris — but I want to be prepared.

  1. The number 1 reason for me and most of the commenters on her post, is to keep that orange stain from being the face of our country again. He has no redeeming qualities. He gave a tax break to the billionaire class, who need a tax break like they need a fifth luxury home in which they only reside in maybe a week in a year. By doing so, he increased the national debt. He…



Diane Aoki

Playwright, essayist, teacher, artist, songwriter, poet. Creativity Activist.