Member-only story
Meditation: A Reluctant Beginner’s Story and Guide
Every fitness and self-help program I come across lately seems to point to the value of meditation. I have never been one for this practice. I would tell myself that writing in my journal, or doing art, were forms of meditation and now I must recognize that it’s not. I also used to think that prayer was a form of meditation and I now believe they’re different.
I am feeling better after a two-week long cold, and what a difference just being free of that bug makes. I decided to walk this morning, which I hadn’t done since I’ve been sick. When I walk, I listen to my favorite podcasts (also not meditation). And since I have a free, unscheduled day, I wondered what other positive steps I should take to mark my return to wellness. Meditation came up. Instead of rationalizing out of it, I made myself do it.
But how? My living situation is a bit complicated. I live with my mom and other family members (yes, I’m a grown adult), and she is hard of hearing. She listens to news programs all morning, some lighter shows like Ellen in the afternoon, and talent shows like the Voice in the evening. The volume is always on very loud. Nowhere in the house is there silence, even if I close my bedroom door. The point is, with regard to meditation, my environment in my house is not a serene place. However, we do have a yard, with many fruit trees and…