Member-only story
Against All Enemies
Documentary Recommendation on Veterans Armed Against Us
Isn’t it maddening that the veterans who took an oath to “defend all enemies foreign and domestic” participated in large numbers in the January 6 insurrection, thus breaking their oath? That they are arming up and preparing for a civil war should things not go their way? They don’t think they are traitors. They do think they are keeping their oath in their potentially pernicious actions, rejecting evidence to the contrary. They think they are on the right, correct side. They think they are the good guys. How can we avert their goals?
A documentary about these agitated veterans, Against All Enemies, is now available on Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Google Play and You Tube for a fee (4.99).
I heard about it through one of my favorite podcasts, Politics Girl, who had writer/ producer and veteran, Kenneth Harbaugh, on her show to talk about veterans who are taking up arms against America.
They are well-armed and well-trained from their time in service. They are convinced that they are the ones who are keeping their oaths. They believe the Big Lie and have a sense of righteousness in their passion to take “their” country back. They are united in their group think and in their loyalty to their leader.